We have gathered together a group of women who have been on the path of empowerment and healing. These are women who have taken a deep dive into knowing themselves, the feminine aspect of divinity, and how to share healing tools with one another.
Katrina will be at all weekends, with 3 other women rotating every weekend. |
Lilliana Rivera
Lilliana is a massage therapist, mother of two, and a facilitator of women's circles. After spending 20+ years deeply immersed in ritual practices in service of the Goddess traditions of the east, she is finding her way back to the great earth Mother, through her work in the Women's Temple, where she holds sacred space for women to dive into the heart of what it means to rest in feminine wisdom. Her longing for awakening is centered in her devotion to truth and supporting leadership that will bring home an undeniable sense of connectedness with all beings. Inspired, she focuses on cultivating inner peace, acceptance, and self compassion, and offering that to others. |